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ChromeShark's News

Posted by ChromeShark - December 8th, 2007

HappyLand is now on Newgrounds!


Daily 8th place, not too bad!

As I said in my last news, I'll have another game out very shortly (due to this one taking longer because of sorting out sponsorship, whereas the next one will be a contest entry). No sad toilets, but lots of killing reindeers!

Posted by ChromeShark - December 3rd, 2007

Yeahh, exp and b/p level ups in the same day. Feel the wrath of my switch blade!

This is pretty much a meaningless blog cause I'm bored, but I do have some big things coming up soon.

Firstly there's HappyLand, currently already available to play at MoFunZone, but coming to Newgrounds in a few days.

Then I'll have another game out just a couple of weeks later in time for christmas. Won't say too much about this one yet cause it's possible it'll get lost in development hell.

The New Year is when things get really exciting though, with my site relaunch aka Chrome Shark 2.0. Won't give away any details here, but you can find some previews on my current site.

Also got a handful of games planned for 2008, including the much anticipated Osiris III, all of which will be AS3.

Posted by ChromeShark - November 10th, 2007

I was pretty surprised to find this PM in my inbox today:


This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Waterlollies on 10/24/07 at 5:31:35 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 0 / 10
Summary: f**k u fag
Review: worst movie ever noob go die f**k u u faggot noob fag

Please review the review guidelines in the FAQ to ensure that you're following the rules and to prevent any further action being taken against other reviews you make.


Hard to know where to start on this. Needless to say I didn't make this review, I loved Waterlollies, and if you check my Flash Reviews you can see that I put a lot of time into every review I make, and generally only review submissions that I like.

I'm thinking that this is one of a few things;

-Someone hacked my account, and left this review without me noticing.
-Someone has found a way to send PMs from Mbot.
-There is a bug with Mbot, and this should have been sent to whoever really left this review.

So has anyone else had a similar thing happen to them, or know of somebody who has? I'd like to hear of any ideas why this happened, and if an admin reads this, maybe check it out as a possible bug/security problem.

To other news, I've got a new game coming out very soon. It's called HappyLand and is my first game in AS3, my main aim with it being to test how much AS3 is capable of and getting in loads of speed and effects.

The Alphas submission still doesn't seem to be working, but you can check out some new screenshots from the game on my site, and I've also posted one below.

Review Warning and HappyLand

Posted by ChromeShark - October 2nd, 2007

Some big news regarding my Osiris series - both Chapter I and II have been updated to 'remastered editions', with improvements including:

Osiris (Chapter I)

-Those gargoyles don't take as long to kill now, as this was a common complaint previously.
-Improved walking, less static looking.
-Backwards walking majorly improved.
-Ammo at 0 warnings added.
-Bug with rolling fixed that would send Orchid's legs all over the place.
-Fixed a bug with level names not showing in full.

Play it here!

Osiris II

-Accelerated movement: Much smoother and more natural feeling, plus you can run up to jumps to go further.
-Recoded falling engine: A major bug before was that Orchid would fall faster than the camera could keep up, not any more. The completely recoded engine makes jumping and falling much easier.
-I've also set the Flash file here to it's normal size. It was reduced before to help prevent lag on slower PCs, but nowadays I think most of you should be able to play the game fine at this size.

Play it here!

This week also marks the launch of the official Osiris website:


On the site you can find initial details on Chapter III, a walkthrough for Chapter I and an FAQ. Soon I'll be adding user-made Osiris II levels, and check back for updates on Chapter III, which will be out next year.

Posted by ChromeShark - August 23rd, 2007

Check out my home site with the new Chrome Shark logo. I've redesigned the site a bit to match, but I'm still planning the big redesign I mentioned in my last post. I've also redone this Newgrounds profile to match.

Bounce Crusher really won't be long now, pretty much finished on my side, got a guy working on some great music for it, then there's just beta testing and sorting out sponsorship before the release. Hopefully it'll be out before the end of the month!

If you want some updates on my other series' -

Osiris - Osiris III won't be out for ages, but I'm working on a load of related things for fans of the series including updates to the first two chapters, an animated movie and an official website.

Vermilion - The next one should be out before the end of the year, with an innovative new control method.

Posted by ChromeShark - August 12th, 2007

My next game Bounce Crusher is really near completion! Based on the concept of my Bit Crusher games, the new take on the series uses advanced bounce physics, destructible platforms, DS-style controls, improved Bit AI, weapons and all-new tablet drawn graphics.

I tried submitting an Alpha for the game but the system seems to be down, so if you want to see some screenshots see the Flash section of my site.

This game will be the first to use the new Chrome Shark Media logo, check it out here. The logo will be used as part of a massive redesign for my site in a few weeks.

Posted by ChromeShark - July 18th, 2007

My first post on this great new personal Newgrounds page!

I've really got to hand it to the Newgrounds team, the new site is amazing. A few niggles here and there that need fixing, but those aside it's back up to my #1 website spot.

For anyone wondering what I'm up to, my home site has details of all the current projects I have in the works. I update the news frequently there, I'll only be making posts here when i have something really big to announce.

I'll be back to exploring the new site, hope you're all enjoying it too.