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ChromeShark's News

Posted by ChromeShark - February 9th, 2009

I just released a new game for Valentines day - Love Snatch! Sorry, its another lame webcam game. If you have a webcam give it a try though, its pretty fun when you get into it!

Posted by ChromeShark - January 18th, 2009

Just got back from the NG London meet so thought I should drop a quick post in here...gonna keep it brief cause I gotta catch up from the lack of sleep over the weekend (though in the sweetest hotel I've ever stayed in, huge thanks to Luis for putting that up for us).

This was my 3rd meet & they get more awesome every time...the turnout for this one was overwhelming & I wish I'd managed to talk to everyone, but it was great meeting a lot of you and seeing all the regulars again.

Hope everyone that went had a great time too, Facebook me if I met you (Mark Lunney), & massive thanks again to Luis & everyone else who helped get this together. Cant wait to see everyone again : )

I'll try n drop by the forums when I wake up in a week or so...

Posted by ChromeShark - January 13th, 2009

I've finally finished my sequel to Meteor Blast, Meteor Blast Synergy. The game is now in Beta, if you're interested in testing please PM me. Ideally you should be familiar with Flash game programming and have played the original, but any help will be welcome.

There's a final screenshot below (I posted four near-final screens in my last news post). It might not look hugely different to before, but I'm confident that this is a massive step from the original and I hope you think the same when I release it within the next few weeks!

In other news, I can confirm that I'll be attending the Newgrounds London Meetup IV this week! I'll be there getting to London on the Thursday and be there for the main meet on the Saturday. This will be my 3rd NG meetup, but as you'll know this is the first one with Tom Fulp (childish squee) so it'll probable be the biggest one yet - cant wait! See you there if you're going :-)

Meteor Blast Synergy Beta, NG London Meetup

Posted by ChromeShark - January 1st, 2009

Happy New year! In my last post I mentioned some of the new features in my next game Meteor Blast Synergy (sequel to 2008's Meteor Blast). Now for some screenshots!

You can see a few of the new things in action, such as the giant Megarocks, Stat Upgrades, Endless Mode and Challenges. If you look at the redesigned Laser Key (bottom left of each screen) you might also be able to see how Synergy lets you combine lasers, for example, mixing a Red laser and a Green laser will fire a Yellow laser. This new system adds a huge new depth to the gameplay.

The game is about 80% done and I'm hoping for an early-February release. If you're interested in Beta testing in a couple of weeks please drop me a PM!

Meteor Blast Synergy Screens

Posted by ChromeShark - December 21st, 2008

Small new game for Christmas! You need a webcam to play:

Snow Snatch!

It would really help me if you can submit this to the Webcam and Xmas collections.

I've begun work on the follow up to my front page hit Meteor Blast, called Meteor Blast Synergy. Improvements include:

-Use Synergy to combine lasers to cause more damage

-Unlock upgrades to improve your laser and sheild

-Take on gigantic MegaRocks

-Major lag improvements and optimization options.

Have a great Christmas, and see you in January if you're going to the NG London Meetup!

Posted by ChromeShark - October 30th, 2008

Been a long time since I've had a game out but I've managed to get a new one together for the Halloween period. A fun little music-based shooter, play as Satan and fend off the Ghosts of Hell:



Thanks very much to whoever put it in the Halloween collection btw! I didn't originally intend this for Halloween but it worked out pretty well that way.

Hopefully the gap till my next game wont be as long, I've got two in the works which should both be out this year (probably one in November and one in December). Check the news on the Chrome Shark Media website for more details about these.

Despite the lack of games it's been a pretty eventful summer for Chrome Shark Media. For starters there's the new logo, if you were familiar with the old shark logo you might've noticed that it'd been redesigned to look slicker and chromier than before.

Posted by ChromeShark - March 26th, 2008

Hope you're having a great Easter, I've got a new game out for the holiday period called Easter Rampage. An alternative to your usual cutesy Easter games, you gotta crush bunnies and chickens to keep your machine going and fuel your rage. Play it here:


Thanks goes to TheHappySheep for the artwork and UGO Player for sponsoring the game. And everyone who voted 5 for getting it to daily top ten! It'd be great if you submit it to the Easter collection too : )

As the game was submitted under UGO Player's account I can't respond to reviews on this one, but I'll be reading them all and appreciate any comments and suggestions you have.

Dont forget to join my Facebook Page if you like my stuff!

Posted by ChromeShark - February 14th, 2008

Happy Valentines Day, thankfully I managed to get HappyLand Valentine finished in time. Your girlfriend/gay lover will love it!


Please help out by suggesting it to the Valentine's Day collection ^_^

Also I recently launched a Chrome Shark Media Facebook Page. If you like my games and you're a Facebook user, you can become a fan to get updates on new games sent right to your news feed.

Posted by ChromeShark - January 16th, 2008

Finally launched my redesigned website, check it out here -

Chrome Shark Media

As well as being recoded from scratch, there's a few new features such as news commenting, internal games and a few new sections. Read the first news post on the site for full details of what's changed.

After the original HappyLand went down reasonably well here on Newgrounds I've begun work on a follow-up to be released next month, called HappyLand Valentine. It's much more than just a quick rehash to tie in with Valentines day though, there's a great new chain system that lets you power up your happy hearts to spread even more love!

The original survival style of gameplay is now just a bonus to the main Adventure mode, below is an early design for HappyLand itself which is to act as the level select screen. Expect some in-game screens soon ^__^

Site Redesign, Happyland Valentine

Posted by ChromeShark - December 23rd, 2007

Get in the Christmas spirit by crushing some Reindeer!


This could be my very last AS2 game, next year will be all about AS3. I've already started work on a game for Valentines day, I'll post some details soon.

Also coming soon is the relaunch of my site AKA Chrome Shark Media 2.0, I'll be posting about that shortly too.

Have fun crushing the reindeers and hope you have a great Christmas (or whatever else you're celebrating around now!).