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ChromeShark's News

Posted by ChromeShark - August 26th, 2010

Five years ago I released my first major game to Newgrounds, Chronicles of the Slayer, with help from animator Mutant-Enemy (who made some pretty nice Buffy cartoons too). To mark the occasion I've released a new Anniversary Edition of the game!

The new version features simpler controls, improved graphics and many minor tweaks. It's far from a full remake, but I think the end result is a much better game. Especially if you like Buffy!

It's on Newgrounds now!


Posted by ChromeShark - April 4th, 2010

Get your webcam out , because its that time of year again...

Play Egg Snatch!

Updated for 2010! Happy snatching.

Happy Egg Snatch Day!!

Posted by ChromeShark - March 18th, 2010

New game in the Flash Portal, Meteor Blast 3D! I started this 6 months ago, but life got in the way and it took me this long to complete it and release it. Play here:


As it says in the game description, this is probably my last game and submission to Newgrounds. This is purely due to time commitments - I'm now working as a full time Flash developer and simply cannot find the time to do any more Flash outside of work.

Without getting too sentimental, Newgrounds was what got me into Flash, which has led me to moving to London to work in a job that I love. This wouldn't have happened without all the support I've had from this website, and I can't thank you all enough.

Posted by ChromeShark - December 22nd, 2009

This may be one of the least appropriate links posted to Newgrounds, but these are desperate times:


Go here to make a wish through Twitter (or just use the #tweetawish hash tag) and we'll make a star for your wish and donate to the Make a Wish foundation.

All wishes will also appear on our screen in Liverpool Street Station, London (see the picture below!).

We're still way off our target so tell everyone you can about the site and make them Tweet their wishes too.

What do you wish for Xmas?

Posted by ChromeShark - November 7th, 2009

Three weeks ago I was hired as a full-time Flash Developer for Glue in London! The company has an incredible list of clients who I'll be working alongside, who'd have thought making Flash games for Newgrounds would lead to an awesome job!

Having a full time job doesn't leave me with much time for my own Flash games but I'm already close to finishing my next one - Meteor Blast 3D. This is the third game in my Meteor Blast series that's been completely recoded from scratch to use the Away3D engine.

As my first 3D Flash game this wont look spectacular, but I'm keeping things simple and I think it'll be more fun than Synergy that some people found over-complicated. Although the game is very nearly finished, it's hard finding time to wrap things up so its still hard to say a release date - but hopefully some time this year!

For anyone wondering about Chromium 2, it is in production but I have huge plans for this and it'll be a while before I have anything to post about. Check back in 2010!

Posted by ChromeShark - August 10th, 2009

As usual I feel the need to make a post following the NG London Meet 5 (I'm not on the list of names, I expect Luis had a special list he forgot to put up). This was my 4th one so felt more like meeting up with friends than an arranged event, but it was also great meeting a few of the newcomers.

After most meets I say I'll stop by the forums more often and forget to post until the next one comes round, so this'll likely be the same.

Posted by ChromeShark - June 18th, 2009

If anyone is having problems accessing my website, this is because I had problems with my previous host so I'm moving everything to a new virtual private server. This could take anything from a few days to a few weeks, so don't expect it back any time soon!

This move will cause a delay with the release of Chromium as the high scores wont work until the server move is complete so I'm putting it on hold. The game is COMPLETE though, drop me a PM if your interested in beta testing!

UPDATE - New site up at http://www.markplunney.com! Old domains should be back soon.

Posted by ChromeShark - May 19th, 2009

While I wouldn't normally make a trailer for a new Flash game, this one couldn't really be shown just through screenshots. So here is a video preview for my next game, Chromium -

/* */
This was also a chance for me to use "Wars" by HURT from their new album "Goodbye to the Machine". This is one of the best albums I've heard in a long time, if you like what you hear go buy the full album.

So what is Chromium? Think Geometry Wars meets Sixty meets Ghosts of Hell with a few 3D touches and insane difficulty level.

The trailer only shows about half of the game, I still have a few more enemies and powerups to add, as well as all the sound (which will play a big part in the game). Look out for it on NG in late June, early July.

Posted by ChromeShark - March 31st, 2009

New minigame for Easter - Egg Snatch! Play now on Newgrounds -


The Webcam mode is similar to Love Snatch, but there's also an all-new Mouse controlled mode for people without a webcam. Submit to Easter and Webcam collections if you're feeling nice!

In the next couple of weeks I'll be announcing my next major game through a fancy new technology called VIDEO. This is my biggest game release yet and I can't wait to show you what I've been working on.

Posted by ChromeShark - February 24th, 2009

Yesterday I finally for around to releasing Meteor Blast Synergy to Newgrounds. Just managed to get a Daily award at #5 which I'm very happy with, thanks for all the great comments people have been leaving. Check the game out here:
