Some big news regarding my Osiris series - both Chapter I and II have been updated to 'remastered editions', with improvements including:
Osiris (Chapter I)
-Those gargoyles don't take as long to kill now, as this was a common complaint previously.
-Improved walking, less static looking.
-Backwards walking majorly improved.
-Ammo at 0 warnings added.
-Bug with rolling fixed that would send Orchid's legs all over the place.
-Fixed a bug with level names not showing in full.
Osiris II
-Accelerated movement: Much smoother and more natural feeling, plus you can run up to jumps to go further.
-Recoded falling engine: A major bug before was that Orchid would fall faster than the camera could keep up, not any more. The completely recoded engine makes jumping and falling much easier.
-I've also set the Flash file here to it's normal size. It was reduced before to help prevent lag on slower PCs, but nowadays I think most of you should be able to play the game fine at this size.
This week also marks the launch of the official Osiris website:
On the site you can find initial details on Chapter III, a walkthrough for Chapter I and an FAQ. Soon I'll be adding user-made Osiris II levels, and check back for updates on Chapter III, which will be out next year.