Really good game
This is a great game, surprised it hasn't scored higher. Maybe people are having problems loading it? I'd be shocked if it's got the score it has on gameplay alone.
I found it very fun to play - fast moving, easy to control, great physics. Graphically it was crisp and well designed. The music was unintrusive and helped the gameplay.
I think I noticed a few bugs, I'm sure I lost a level but was told I completed it. Maybe I missed something though, it was all moving very fast.
It's an original concept, reminiscent of pool/snooker games but presented in a very different way. The gameplay could've been repetitive, but a good variety of obstacles and solutions made it pretty addictive.
Very little reason for my to knock marks off this, I'm only reluctant to give it a 10 for lack of character, maybe this would be better with some kind of theme. I wouldn't like to say it needs a story, but just something to give the player more incentive to be getting the balls down the holes. The name 'Roll' is quite uninspiring.
Overall this is very impressive, especially as it appears to be your first submission. I'll look forwards to seeing if you come out with anything else.