"Sure wish we had some grenades"
Very good, been a waiting for a decent Worms clone to hit Newgrounds. I played the whole thing through, all 11 missions. Bit easy, I only lost once because of a bug and completed L10 with all 6 characters alive. Loved how you could name the characters, I went for the crew of Serenity, with Jayne kicking the most ass.
The best thing here was probably the arenas. Good variety, the characters interacted with them well, and they looked good. I kind of wish you hadn't used sticks, they just look so tacky, it wouldn't have taken too long to make some better looking characters (maybe even with a customization mode, other than just choosing a hat).
It played mostly smoothly. I hit one bug when an enemy threw a grenade upwards into a platform, it sort of stuck spinning and I had to restart. You could avoid this by adding a timeout to the grenades so they blow if they remain static for too long.
Sound gets a 6 because although I can't really complain about the music (not my taste, but at least there was an off button), the SFX were a bit weak. The bodies didn't make much sound when bouncing around. And you should add speech Hogs of War style, just some funny lines that the characters say after attacking.
In a way this reminds me of Kitty Cannon style games, because the majority of the game was just about throwing grenades well. Shooting and booting just felt like extras. Its probably already been said loads but this majorly needs more weapons. I can think of at least 20 that would work great, and most of those really wouldn't take too long to script. If you do make a sequel, it'd also be cool to add vehicles like tanks.
Another thing that would make this that little bit better would be destuctable scenery. I know how hard it is to make, I wouldn't have a clue where to start, but it is possible as games like Serious Santa prove. If you could find out how to do it it'd make the game so much better.
As it is this is a great game, I had loads of fun playing it. But there still feels like loads of room for improvement. I really hope you make a sequel because with a lot of work it could be the best thing to hit ever Newgrounds.
I think you've just got my record for my longest review ever ^_^. Great work, 5/5.